3 weeks camp ,13 May-31 May,Time-10 to 12,Age group 2-10 Summer Camp Registrations are now open Contact 8587011874 for more details

Admissions Open for classes playway to 1st | Admission Free 2024 "Unlock the door to your child's future with our playway to 1st classes – where imagination meets education, and the journey begins, admission-free." | Summer camp for 3 years to 10 years

About Us

At Blue Bells School, we believe in nurturing young minds and laying a strong foundation for lifelong learning. From our vibrant pre-school program to the engaging experiences in class 1, we are committed to providing a safe, stimulating, and inclusive environment where every child can thrive.

We believe that every child is unique and has the potential to excel in various aspects of life. Our philosophy is rooted in the idea of holistic education, which focuses on the intellectual, emotional, social, and physical development of each child. We aim to instill a love for learning, critical thinking skills, creativity, and empathy in our students.

Our Facilities

At J.K.'s Blue Bells School, we take pride in providing state-of-the-art facilities to support the holistic development of our students. Here are some of the facilities available at our school:

Modern Classrooms: Our classrooms are spacious, well-lit, and equipped with ergonomic furniture to create a comfortable learning environment. Each classroom is equipped with interactive whiteboards and multimedia resources to enhance the learning experience.

Art and Music Studios: Our dedicated art and music studios are spaces where students can unleash their creativity and express themselves through various art forms and musical instruments. We offer a range of extracurricular activities, including painting, drawing, pottery, choir, and instrumental lessons.

Sports Facilities: We have extensive sports facilities, including playgrounds, courts, and fields, where students can participate in a wide range of sports and physical activities. Our sports program promotes teamwork, leadership, and physical fitness, with trained coaches guiding students in various sports disciplines.

CCTV Facilities: At J.K.'s Blue Bells School, we are committed to transparency, safety, and parental involvement. That's why we offer live CCTV feed access to families, allowing them to witness the growth and activities of their little stars in real-time.

Summer Camp

Our Gallery

Contact Us

9/324, Lalita Park, Laxmi Nagar, Delhi 92


+91 9870270189

At Blue Bells School, learning is not confined to textbooks and classrooms.